quality ultrasonic water fogger-the mist maker   Ultrasonic Water Fogger
The Mist Maker
We have many selections in fog output power.
Many fogger accessories. 30 day money back guarantted!
A great suppliment to waterfalls, water foundtain, pond or landscaping application. See general instruction for detail application information.
Prices include shipping and handling fees for address within the mainland U.S. Order will be shipped on the same day or next business day.
High output ultrasonic water fogger Item: M001
Input: 110V/24V AC; Misting disk size: 20mm
Quality ultrasonic fogger set with white disc, 110V/24V UL listed adaptor. including one K001 extra replacement disk with tool. CE. RoHS. listed fogger, head size 1.5" diameter x 1.75" height
Price: $29.95/set; 2 or more $28.50/set
Shipping included in USA.

ultrasonic water fogger Item: M001A
Input: 230V/24V AC (for European country)
Quality ultrasonic fogger with 230V/24V UL listed adaptor, white disc, fogger head size 38mm(diameter) x 45mm(h). CE. RoHS. listed.
Price: $34.99/set Plus Shipping
ultrasonic water fogger Item: MQ01 Fogger for shallow water container
Input: 120V/24V AC; Misting disk size: 20mm
Quality ultrasonic fogger with white disc, 120V/24V UL listed adaptor, fogger head size 1.5"(W) x 2.5"(L) x 1.25"(Height), great application in shallow water container, water level is required just above 1.25" in height. CE. RoHS. listed.
Price: $39.95/set; 2 or more, $37.50/set
Shipping included
ultrasonic transducer with LED light ring combo kit Item: MRC1; Outdoor Mist maker, LED cold white light ring combo kit.
Combo kit comes with an one jet 16mm disc mist maker(6'cord, metal housing), a LED light ring(6'cord, plastic housing), an extension 19' cord with built in two way splitter, a 110V/24VAC 28.8W outdoor transformer with 6.5' plug cord. Great for pond, fountain and any water projects.
LED light ring center hole: 15/16"(diameter)
Outside size: 2 3/4"(diameter) x 7/8"H
Price: $39.95/set
Shipping included
ultrasonic fogger with light Quality ultrasonic fogger with 10W optical film lens underwater light sharing one transformer, fogger size: 1.5"(dia) x 1.75"(H), light size: 1.5"(dia) x 1"(H).
Item: MTL01; Input:110V UL. CUL. listed.
Click for detail and order

mist make with LED changing color lights Item: ML021LRC; High output mist maker with wireless remote controller and inline controller/receiver which allow you to control mist output and change LED light color to what you want in distance over 30', you can select a single color, multi color or auto changing color lights, higher output than regular single mist maker.
Transformer: 110V/24V AC
Disk size: 20mm diameter
Generate mist: 150 ml/hour
Fogger head size 1 7/8" dia. x 2" h.
Price: $36.95/each; 2 or more, $33.50/each
Shipping included in USA.

Out of stock

aloma oil mist maker with LED light Item: H1-12F37P
Table top fountain fogger, Mist disc size: 16mm
Table top fountain fogger comes with LED color changing lights(between red, blue, green and mixed color).
12W, 110V-240V/24V AC, 0.5A, UL listed transformer works in the USA(110V) or European country(240V). Fogger head size 2" dia. x 1 1/4" h. It fits most of table top mist lamps or aloma oil mist fountains.
Regular price: $24.95/each
On sale: $19.95/each, shipping included in the USA.
energy saving mist maker with LED light Item: DN24
28W, 110V/24V AC, Mist disc size: 20mm
Mist maker with LED color changing lights(between red, blue, yellow and mixed color), 6' cord with outdoor/indoor connector.
UL listed rainproof transformer. Fogger head size 1 3/4" dia. x 1 3/4" h. It fits most of mist lamps or mist fountains.
On sale price: $22.95/each
shipping included in the USA.
Out of stock
energy saving mist maker with LED light Item: DH24B
24W, 110V/24V AC, Mist disc size: 16mm
Mist maker with LED color changing lights(between red, blue, green and mixed color).
UL listed transformer. Fogger head size 1 3/4" dia. x 1 3/4" h. It fits most of mist lamps or mist fountains.

Price: $29.95/each, shipping included in the USA.
12V DC power mist maker Item: DO-12
10W, 12V DC powered mist maker with water low sensor. Mist disc size: 16mm
Comes with UL listed 13V 800mA transformer. Fogger head housing size 1 3/4" dia. x 7/8" h. Water low sensor 1" high. Cord length 6'. Water consumption 70ml/h.
This mist maker is made of metal housing with 3 mounting ears.
Price: $29.99/each, shipping included in the USA.
5 head high output mist maker

Item: DK5-48
High output 5 mister VDC fogger with 48VDC input transformer, including a K004 buoy, 32' long cord from transformer to fogger.
Price: $109.50/set
Out of stock, use M005 as substitute

5 head high output mist maker 5 disc mist maker, great for indoor, outdoor fountain, waterfalls, pond, green house or industrial use, also a great negative ion generator and humidifier. Heavy duty transformer, 32' long cable.
Fogger size: 3 3/8"diameter x 2 3/8"(h).

Item: M005

5 disc mister fogger, indoor/outdoor transformer 120V/24VAC, 32' long cord from transformer to fogger.
Price: $95.95/set
Shipping included in USA.

Item: M005A; For European country
Input:230V/24VAC European voltage
High output 5 mister fogger with indoor/outdoor transformer.
Price: $109.95/set
Price not including shipping

high output mist maker pond fogger with LED changing color light Item: MCL05
Disk size: 20mm diameter
High output 5 jet mist maker with built in LED color changing light, white discs, fogger size 4"(dia) x 3"(h), cord length 32', light color rotates between red, blue and yellow. Great for pond, waterfalls and large fountain.
This fogger comes with an indoor/outdoor 120V/24VAC transformer and an auto buoy K008
Price: $99.95/set; 2 or more $97.00/set
Shipping included in the U.S.
CHAO NENG DK5-48 ultrasonic fogger with light Item: DK5L
Input: 120V/24VAC
High output 5 mister fogger with 15W built in underwater light, outdoor/indoor transformer, 32' long cord between transformer and fogger, fogger head size 3.25"(dia) x 2.25"(h), comes with 4 color lenses(red, yellow, blue, clear) and key LC3.
You can unplug the light bulb and just run the fogger if needed.
Out of stock
PJ-2C(RGB)-R high output remote controlled pond fogger Item: PJ2C(RBG)-R
Disk size: 20mm diameter
120V/AC24V, 68W UL listed transformer
High output 3 jet mist maker named “Mist UFO” incorporating 36pcs. LED with fog/light remote controller and built-in buoy, 33' cord. You can remotely control your fogger on/off, control the light for single color, multi color, automatically changing color, flashing color... Unit comes with a UL listed transformer. Great for pond or waterfalls.
out of stock
dk3-24b-r high output remote controlled pond fogger Item: DK3-24-R
Long Shape Size:6 3/4"(L)x1 3/4"(W)x 2 1/4(D)
Disk size: 20mm diameter
120V/AC24V, 68W UL listed transformer
High output 3 jet mist maker with single color LED light(8 LED bulbs), a remote controller to control on/off and two stage mist outputs, 33' cord. controller has 4 buttons, "A" turn off unit; "B" high mist and light on; "C" less mist and light on; "D" mist off and light on. LED light is single color and always on when power is on. Unit comes with a UL listed transformer. good for shallow water pond, fountain, or waterfalls with rocks around.

Price: $63.50/each; 2 or more $58.50/each
Shipping included in the U.S.
Light color
high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: ML09; Input: 120V/36V AC
Disk size: 20mm diameter
High output 9 jet mist maker with built in LED lights, outdoor/indoor transformer, fogger size 4.75"(dia) x 2 1/4"(h), cord length 32', great for pond or waterfalls, comes with a specially designed auto buoy.
Price: $129.00/each; 2 or more $125.00/each
Shipping included in the U.S.
Light color
high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: ML09A; Europ voltage
Disk size: 20mm diameter
High output 9 jet mist maker with built in LED lights, white discs, 230V/36VAC outdoor/indoor transformer for Europ, fogger size 4.75"(dia) x 2 1/4"(h), cord length 32', comes with a specially designed auto buoy.
Sales Price: $129.00/each; 2 or more $125.00/each; Plus shipping.
Light color
6 disc ultrasonic transducer with tracing light Different from other fogger light changing pattern, DK6-24C LED light has 4 different color light and changes automatically in different speed as chasing light effect, then single color light taking turn to get on, then blinking to stop and repeat the whole cycle again, It looks like holiday fire work effect with its light changing pattern. Great for generating mist in pond, waterfalls and big water fountains. Item: DK6-24C
Input: 120V/24VAC
High output 6 jet Ocean Mist Maker with built in 32 LED lights(8 red, 8 blue, 8 green, 8 yellow), indoor/outdoor transformer, 33' long cord between transformer and fogger.
Fogger size 10"(L) x 2.5"(W) x 2"(H).
Price: $99.50 each; shipping included in the U.S.
add $7.5 for a buoy SPK04E, check box.
6 disc ultrasonic transducer with tracing light Item: DK6-24
Input: 120V/24VAC
High output 6 jet Ocean Mist Maker with indoor/outdoor transformer, 33' long cord between transformer and fogger.
Fogger size 10"(L) x 2.5"(W) x 2"(H).
Fogger housing: Stainless Steel
Discs: 20mm discs
Price: $89.00 each; shipping included in the U.S.
add $7.5 for a buoy SPK04E, check box.
6 disc ultrasonic transducer with tracing light Item: SPK04E
Description: Buoy for fogger DK6-24C or DK6-24(fogger not included), it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 13.5"(L)x6"(W)x3"(H)
Price: $15.95 each; shipping included in the U.S.

12 jet high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: DK12L; Input: 120V/36V AC
Disk size: 20mm diameter
Mist water rate about: 3000ml/hour
Super high output 12 jet mist maker with built in LED lights, outdoor/indoor transformer, fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 32', great for pond or waterfalls.
Price: $159.75/each; 2 or more $155.75/each
Shipping included in the U.S.
Light color

12 jet high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: DK12; Input: 120V/36V AC
Disk size: 20mm diameter
Mist water rate about: 3000ml/hour
Super high output 12 jet mist maker without decorative light, outdoor/indoor transformer, fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 32', great for pond or waterfalls.
Price: $158.50/each; 2 or more $153.50/each
Shipping included in the U.S.
12 jet high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: DK12A; Input: 230V/36V AC
Disk size: 20mm diameter
Mist water rate about: 3000ml/hour
Super high output 12 jet mist maker with European input voltage, outdoor/indoor transformer, fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 32', great for pond or waterfalls.
Price: $179.50/each plus shipping

12 jet high output mist maker replacement for humidor Item: DK12H; Ultrasonic mist maker
Input: 120V/36VAC;
Disk size: 20mm white disc.
Mist water rate about: 3000ml/hour
Super high output 12 jet mist generator with indoor/outdoor transformer, fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 3.3'
This is also the replacement mist maker for MHS and MHB12 series industrial humidifiers and commercial humidifiers.
Price: $197.50/each
Shipping included in the U.S.

12 jet high output mist maker with LED changing color light Item: DK12HNT; Ultrasonic mist maker(fogger replacement, no transformer)
Input: 120V/36VAC; 230/36VAC
Disk size: 20mm white disc.
Mist water rate about: 3000ml/hour
Super high output 12 jet mist generator without transformer, fogger size 6"(dia) x 2 1/2"(h), cord length 3.3'
This is also the replacement mist maker for MHS and MHB12 series industrial humidifiers and commercial humidifiers.
Price: $175.50/each; 2 or more $165.50/each
Shipping included in the U.S.

replacement disks and key for high output mist maker M005 Item # K005; Disk size: 20mm(dia.)
5 replacement white disks with key set, good for all using 20mm disc foggers including high output fogger M003, MCL03, M005, M005A, MCL05, ML05, ML09, ML09A, M10, DK6, DK12, not for DH24E.
Price: $25.00/set; Shipping included in the U.S.
$20 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
3 head high output outdoor/indoor mist maker High output 3 mister fogger with white discs, it diffuses 300 ml water per hour, for indoor, outdoor fountain, pond, greenhouse or waterfalls... heavy duty outdoor transformer, 32' long cable.
Fogger size: 2 5/8"diameter x 2 3/8"(h)

Item: M003(DK3)
High output 3 mister fogger including a buoy(item K009) and heavy duty outdoor/indoor transformer.
Input:115V/24VAC; UL. listed.
Price: $85.00/each; 2 or more, $80.00/each
Shipping included in USA.

Item: M003A; For European country
Input:230V/24VAC European voltage
High output 3 mister fogger with outdoor transformer.
CE (EMC)/GS/UL/CSA listed.
Price: $89.00/each; Plus shipping

replacement disks and key for M003 high output mist maker Item # K006; Disk size: 20mm(dia.)
3 replacement white disks with key set, good for all using 20mm disc foggers including high output fogger M003, MCL03, M005, M005A, MCL05, ML05, ML09, ML09A, M10, DK6, DK12, not for DH24E.
Price: $15.00/set; Shipping included in the U.S.
$10 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
M003 water fogger in action in a 3 inch diameter container
Sit fogger 2 to 3 inches below the surface of regular clean tap water, with ultrasonic sound, the surface of the water is turned into a mist. Fogger head's height is the minimum height of container water level required for fogger to work. Fogger head must be fully under water when power is on. The mist can flow out of the container and re-accumulate on the surface of the floor or table near by. These dramaticaly increase the need to add water to the container to keep fogger running normally. When water level is low, sensing probe shuts off unit automatically, unplug the power or add more water if so.
mist maker replacement disk and key After fogger running for several months, the amount of mist may reduce due to some mineral build up on the surface of the mist ceramic piece. Screw off the winding ring, remove the washer and ceramic piece from mister, cleaning ceramic piece with soft cloth or replacing it will bring unit returning to normal. Do not try to clean or touch the mist ceramic piece while it is attached on the unit. Item number: K001; Disk size: 20mm(3/4" dia.)
Quality white replacement mist disk with key, good for all using 20mm disc foggers including M001, M001A, MQ01, MBL01, ML021LRC or ML021, not for DH24E.

Price: $5.00/set; Shipping included.

Measure your fogger disk size before ordering
$3 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
replacement disk and key for MTL01, MTL01A fogger Item number: K007; Disk size: 16mm(5/8" dia.)
Replacement white disk with key, good for any using 16mm disc foggers including DH24E, MTL01, MDC01.
Price: $5.00/set when order without fogger

Shipping included in the U.S.

Measure your fogger disk size before ordering
$3 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
water fogger splash guard
You may need a fogger water splash guard if you don't want the mist water spray over outside the container.
Item number: K002
Fogger water splash guard for single fogger M001, M001A, MTL01, MDC01, ML021, MBL01, FQ20 or MD2.
Price: $7.95/pc; Shipping included.

$5.95 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
water fogger splash guard Item number: K021
Special designed fogger water splashing holder keeps splashing water inside yet allows heavy fine mist coming out, great for table top fog fountain
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Mist governor or fog regulator for fog machine
It consumes lot of water when fogger is running, if you feel like to reduce the amount of fog, the Mist Governor can help you with 3 interstage adjustment.
Item number: K003
Mist governor with 3 interstage adjustment which controls the amount of fog for fogger M001, M001A, MQ01, MBL01, MCL011, MCL012, not for MDC01. Also it is a dimmer switch for aqua light.
Price: $7.95/pc; Shipping included.
$3.95 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
fogger LED/fog controller Item number: K027
fogger LED light color controller and remote receiver for our item ML021LRC only
Out of stock

M005, DK5 water fogger buoy
It gives the best fogging effect when fogger is sit at 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" below the water surface, this fogger buoy was specially designed as a perfect auto buoy for outdoor pond or deep container where you may need something to support the fogger at that position.
Item number: K004
Description: Fogger buoy for M005(M005A), it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 8"(Outside Diameter),3.5"(ID),3"(H).
Price: $11.95/pc; Shipping included

M003, M003A water fogger buoy Item number: K009
Description: Fogger buoy for M003(M003A), ML03, MCL011(fogger not included), it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 6"(outside dia.) x 3"(inside dia.) x 3"(h)
Price: $9.95/pc; Shipping included

M001 water fogger buoy Item number: K011
Description: Fogger buoy for M001(M001A), MBL01, CH24 and MDC01(not fit ML021 or ML021LRC)(fogger not included), it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 4"(outside dia.) x 1.9"(inside dia.) x 2.5"(h)
Price: $8.95/pc; Shipping included

$5.00 each when fogger is ordered, check box.
dk9-36 water fogger buoy Item number: K014
Description: Fogger buoy for M009, ML09, MCL09, DK9-36, DK9-36C(fogger not included), it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 10"(outside dia.) x 5 1/4"(inside dia.) x 3"(h)
Price: $17.95/pc; Shipping included

dk12-36 water fogger buoy Item number: SPK04F
Description: Fogger buoy for DK12 and DK12C, it holds fogger at its optimum working position in water.
Buoy size: 11"(outside dia.) x 6.14"(inside dia.) x 3"(h)
Price: $19.95/pc; Shipping included

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MAINLAND MART CORP.  2535 Durfee Ave., El Monte, CA 91732, U.S.A.  626-258-2928; 626-258-2955

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